Wrapping Up 2020!

Ensenada, Leticia's Wonderings, Photo Walks

Wow! 2020 has been a memorable year, in particular because of the worldwide pandemic due to Covid-19. As the year closed there were events from the year I wanted to wrap up, never to be opened again. Others are worthy of remembering, and leaving open. There were new skills learned, new acquaintances made, and some sailing and adventuring accomplished.

The Flapdoodle mantra is –


We have clear evidence of slowing down in 2020. Some imposed, some self-imposed. We did simplify our lifestyle. We washed less and shopped less. We made do with what we had. We did more home cooking. We made the little things count. These are all perspectives in line with a cruising life style. There is ongoing scope left for us to formulate goals for 2021. To prevent Flapdoodle’s water line sinking further there is more de-cluttering to be done. We did some mini adventures in Ensenada and crossed the Mexican / USA border 3 times . There remains lots of the world in which to find adventure.

One of the major catalysts for slowing down in 2020 has been Covid-19. Through out the storms of the pandemic we have all been in different boats. The category and severity of the storm depends on what country we are living in. The boats we find ourselves in to navigate the storms vary according to the distribution of wealth and health. Some have found themselves in small canoes that require a lot of physical power and prowess to be able to move forward. Some are motoring in a dinghy. Some have bigger better equipped sailboats or superyachts. Obviously some have more easily weathered the storms than others. Some have journeyed through virtually unaffected. Some regardless of the resources they have, have suffered a rough ride. Sadly some may have had to abandon ship and they are hanging on with a life ring which is just keeping them afloat; but they will need assistance to be able to survive, to be rescued and move forward.

I am so grateful for where I am in those storms and for the boat I am in. There are too many people in life rings.

As I walked the streets of Ensenada in the festive season of December, I was aware of the big discord between those in superyachts and those in life rings. There were hardly any people shopping. There were next to no children. The streets were robbed of laughing, chatting, and activity.

To wrap up the year I could have presented to you many images of work done on the boat or beautiful sunrises and sunsets. Instead, I chose to leave you with a variety of images from my Ensenada walks.

In amongst the “Ho, Ho, Ho!” there was a lot of “Oh, Oh, Oh!” As I wrap up 2020 and put it aside in a compartment of its own, may I take the lessons I have learned from it to make the future a brighter place for me, my loved ones, and those less fortunate.


  1. Wow it looks like not many people were out and about! So the decorations must have been just for you. I luckily have a kayak so I am not one of the people drowning haha.
    I hope to join you on some adventures soon!

    • Ha ha! They went to a lot of trouble for my benefit. Very glad you are not drowning and truly look forward to you joining us on some of our future adventures. Xo

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