Everyone has a story. Each day of our lives is a short story composed of many smaller stories. When living aboard S/V Flapdoodle it is our hope to make our daily stories the best we can, making the most of every opportunity to smile, laugh, […]

A Sailor went to sea, sea, sea…

Finally! Actually 2 sailors went to sea, sea, sea; to see what they could see, see, see. In April the Captain and his first mate, aboard the good ship S/V Flapdoodle, left the docks four times for some mini-adventures to test out the systems that […]


Our lives are full of so many “Take 2” opportunities. Often, it can extend to “Take 3”, “Take 4″… you understand, I am sure. Maybe it is the trial and error approach, or the scientific method of hypothesize, experiment, analyze, deduct and then repeat. Or […]

PROGRESS is in the eye of the beholder

Life is never a journey that proceeds on a straight path. We move along doing a dance – two steps forward, 4 steps back, side step, swing and hold…. What seems like progress to some, may seem like misadventure, stagnation, being frozen, procrastination or regression […]

Todo de Nuevo – All Over Again

After a lengthy hibernation period, I return to the Flapdoodle Blog for a 2022 update. With this comes the feeling of, “Todo de Nuevo – All Over Again.” Following four months at Koehler Kraft Boatyard San Diego, doing the engine refit and hull repainting, and […]

Matters of the Heart

I imagine we would all wish for our world to be a better place in which kindness is spread far and near. Recently while on a retreat in Tucson, I was walking and came across some simple art installations that encourage those who pass by […]

A Prickly Encounter

As I stroll and photograph sometimes I find myself in precarious situations, as I can get so involved in capturing what I see unfolding before me that I am a danger to myself or others. On this particular occasion I was on a mission to […]

On The Move

DATE: Thursday, January 28th, 2021. TIME: 60 minutes elapsed while capturing sunset LOCATION: Cruiseport Marina, Ensenada, Mexico. Harry and I have been viewing a number of sailing blogs which often feature some time lapse photography. The video clips are very effective at capturing the mood […]

Wrapping Up 2020!

Wow! 2020 has been a memorable year, in particular because of the worldwide pandemic due to Covid-19. As the year closed there were events from the year I wanted to wrap up, never to be opened again. Others are worthy of remembering, and leaving open. […]

A Welcome Visitor

Look at what materialised out of the sea breeze! Many cruising stories document about birds dropping by their boats during their passage. To see a bird while sailing is good luck. To have a bird land on your person, can also bring good fortune your […]

A Man of Many Hats

Tinker, tailor, soldier, sailor! It does not take long to realise that Harry is a man of many hats. Some may say “Gilligan” is more fitting. Then we could move onto Skipper, Professor, or Movie Star! Harry is a man who tinkers with many things. […]

Lessons from a Bird

There are so many lessons to be learnt by watching the behaviors of animals in their natural environment. Here are a few thoughts I gathered today as a gift for a family member. The gift though is one I wish to share with all. I […]