When I Walk Alone…

Leticia's Wonderings, Photo Walks, Uncategorized

When I walk alone it doesn’t take long to realize that I am surrounded by friends.

I am comforted by the wind breathing through the rustling trees and fluttering the waving, flower petals.

The smiling faces of the flowers beam up at me.

I sense  joy in the fairy tears sparkling, suspended on cobweb lace.

The creepy, crawly creatures are whispering – “Follow me.”

The wading bird encourages me to take my time.

The treasures of my backyard are all sights to behold.

Love is near. Mother Nature nourishes my soul.

I am never truly alone.


  1. Lovely photographs and lovely words … soothing, encouraging. Thank you.

  2. Elizabeth

    You are a poet and an artist. What a beautiful recounting in words and photographs of a morning walk. I will return to your words and illustrations again and again!

    • Susan Roberson

      I agree with Elizabeth. You are so gifted and a joy to follow. Thank you for sharing.

  3. Beauty is but a glance away if we but take the time to look ❤️

  4. Once again you take us to a beautiful place. Love you and your posts 💞

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