The Endless Journey

The Boat

Sometimes life seems like an endless journey. We wonder if we will ever see the “light”.

It might be the light at the end of the tunnel, the light on the other side, or maybe even the light of enlightenment. Harry and I often debate about when we will be ready to leave our Chula Vista marina slip to move onto new adventures. [I sense a feeling of “Deja vu!” We re-visit this thought process a lot.] For those who are anxious and restless to move on, time seems to go on ever so slowly and seemingly backwards at times. However there seems to be hope as, when I reflect on what has been achieved the last two months, while my blog site has waited patiently for my return, progress has in fact been made.

Rainbows can be found in some of the darkest holes.[This one was found in a spot under the floorboards where the water maker is being installed.]

I have gathered far too many photos to post here; but I will include some for which you can play the “matching game”. Some of our achievements for June and July include –

  • Removing electrical wires that are no longer used
  • Starting to install the water maker
  • Trouble shooting the mystery leak that was filling our bilge
  • Fixing the leak under the galley sink which was producing some of that mystery water
  • Trying numerous experiments to keep the refrigerator going as it chooses to stop every week or so
  • Sewing two winch covers
  • Mounting and wiring our signaling horns
  • Marking our anchor 300 foot chain every 25 feet
  • General maintenance like cleaning the raw water strainer for the fridge and replacing some rusty bolts and washers
  • Tying down the battery bank with epoxied wood brackets
  • Attaching three reef lines at the first stage of reefing
  • Removing some of the old non skid in preparation for replacing it
  • Fixing the teak collar around the foot of the mast in the salon
  • Repairing the soft spots in the deck near the windlass
  • Sanding some of the water lines on the deck then applying a primer coat and two top coats.
  • Re-insuring Flapdoodle with a different company
  • Boat survey commenced for the new insurance policy

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    There is still an A list, a B list and a C list. Somehow there is also a D list. When everything is completed on the A list technically we can move on. So even though at times we might  wish to be transported further into the future “Beam me up Scotty .” There is a chance that one day we will take flight and move on.

Not all birds can fly. What separates the flyers from the walkers is the ability to take off.
-Carl Sagan


  1. Graeme Carrad

    I think you should post your project plan including the Gantt chart so we can all look at estimates and interdependencies and as a group we should be able to narrow down a departure date for you and render redundant the ‘deja vu’ discussions you have been having. In reality I wish I was there. Just love bilge work but…Lots of progress so that should be very encouraging.

    • As Harry has done Project Management this should be all possible. I think Harry charts it all out and assesses and re-assesses it everyday, even in his sleep. We do have a sense of going forward. We still have some high cost goals so Harry keeps working; but it becomes a bit of a catch 22 as then he has less time to work on the boat. Next big project is having the boat hauled and bottom painted this next week. Will keep you informed and try not to take 2 months till the next blog this time.

  2. Congrats on all you have accomplished as you get everything on Flapdoodle ship-shape! Thaks for sharing your struggles and successes–I find it very inspiring to read of the progress you are making on all fronts–physical, emotional etc! This was a fun read 🙂 When I saw it in my inbox, I said, “Oh boy!–another Flapdoodle update!

    • Thank you Allen. I am glad you enjoy the blog. I sometimes feel that I am never saying anything that has not been said before, but hope that the Flapdoodle twist Leticia style keeps my followers informed of our adventures, perhaps entertained and at times left pondering about life.

  3. Susan Gierga

    Lovely Leticia, I suddenly realized I can view your blog on my phone. Dah!
    Love the rainbow in the bilge.

  4. Ann Brewster

    I love reading your blog and also get excited when you post a new one. Sounds like you have been busy.

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