Slow down! Simplify! Set sail!

Leticia's Wonderings, The Boat

Happy New Year! This blog has been very challenging to compose, as it has been in my thoughts for a long time and I have written it many times in my mind from different angles. Despite my suffering from information overload, I will forge forward with the first blog of 2020.

As we launch into this new year we are starting with a “Big Bang”, which will lead to many possibilities and unknown adventures. On January 3rd Harry retires from his full-time paid job to take on his non-paid full-time job, as Captain of Flapdoodle [Of course one may argue that the payment for this new position may not be monetary, but comes in the form of experiences and adventure.] Since owning Flapdoodle, Harry in reality has held two full time jobs . As he retires from one,the other will completely consume his time, which has been the plan and dream that has taken over a decade to evolve. Read more about this in Harry’s essay- “How we got here!”, which I will post in a separate blog.

A reasonable question to ask at this stage would be -“Are we ready?” Have we completed List A, List B, List C and beyond. If anything, it feels like the lists are longer, even though we know in reality so much work has been done, and plenty of time and money have been spent. And so we are reminded that “BOAT” may stand for “blow out another thousand” or “best obsession after thirty.” Owning a boat is like standing in a shower and tearing up one hundred dollar bills.

So many words of wisdom are appropriate at this point. So much advice can be gleaned from sailors who have embarked on the cruising adventure before us, or from others willing to share their opinions.

However, enough is enough! The deadline of Harry’s retirement has materialized and it is time to keep moving.

“Stop dreaming about your bucket list and start living it.” – Annette White

With Harry retiring we need to be moving on in order to leave a smaller footprint on this world and pursue a lower cost of living – a more minimalistic lifestyle. In this quest we will endeavor to SLOW DOWN! SIMPLIFY! and SET SAIL! This is very easily said, but it is somewhat harder to achieve; so we will say it is a long term goal that will always be a work in progress.

Our future involves the following-

Step 1. Celebrate Harry’s retirement in a quite manner recognizing many years of dedication and hard work. Harry started work at 15 when he joined the Royal Australian Air Force. Here he is at 60 having fulfilled many paid roles as radio technician, physicists, an electrical, cryogenics and mechanical engineer, and project manager. Many other roles as mentor, friend, husband, father, son, brother, sounding wall, listening post, critic, optimist, cynic, adviser, brain-stormer, dreamer, fountain of knowledge and fault finder. Among his hobbies he has been a squash and tennis player, trumpet player, home brewer, runner, diver, fisherman and motorcyclist. He has also operated and developed skills as a panel beater, spray painter, mechanic, computer programmer, refrigeration specialist, electrician, plumber, carpenter, tiler, landscaper and gardener. I am sure to have missed some areas of Harry’s broad spectrum of expertise.

[It should be noted that as Harry has approached important crossroads in his life he has found the necessity to grow his hair. His last year of high school he grew his hair long before it was cut air force style. As he has counted down to retirement he has done his best to grow his hair out again; but this time it has been a little bit more challenging on top. It is a sign of impending changes.]

Step 2. Harry to complete a Sea Captain’s course, 2 weeks full time study in San Diego from January 6th to 17th.

Step 3. Take a deep breath and work like crazy on boat projects [just like the past five and a half years, but more concentrated each day] until enough have been completed to…

Step 4. Sail to Ensenada Mexico. Work at assimilating to living in Mexico and living each moment to the fullest, one day at a time. We will leave with no set schedule and no defining timelines. We will keep you posted as this next stage unravels.

“The pages of yesterday cannot be revised. But the pages of tomorrow are blank- and you hold the pen. Make it an inspiring story.” – Unknown

As we continue on our journey we take with us some WISDOM FROM THE TURTLE

Like a turtle we shall

– be well traveled – travel light – home will be where we take it – swim often – be good navigators – be at ease in our own shells – age gracefully – stick our necks out in order to go forward.

Our wish for all our friends and family is that you too have the opportunity to slow down, simplify and set sail into your personal, unique dreams for your futures. May 2020 be a great year!


  1. I am so grateful you are sharing your past and future w us via “the blog”
    Love 2 both of ya wherever we all might be. a

    • I will always be connected to you with a string of love.It is always a pleasure to share with you.

  2. Thank you for sharing your life with us! You’ve been a shining star and I wish you all the joy and wonder of a new adventure! Please keep posting your journey and we will send good thoughts, vibes and wishes your way and be here in the wings if needed…

    • It is comforting to know people are supporting us in thought and well wishes and that we have so many people to look to for assistance and advice if needed.Thank you. We would not be in this spot if it were not for the support of you and many others.

  3. Congratulations, Leticia and Harry! It’s been a long time coming and I hope you both find much happiness as you cruise to your futures.

    • It is truly like a dream. I have to pinch myself occasionally to make sure it is actually all happening. Exciting and scary at the same time.Thank you for your well wishes.

  4. Congratulations! Glad the “day” is approaching. We are looking forward to seeing you both in Mexico!

    • Gracias. It only seems like just the other day we were toasting to your retirement at “The Galley” by Chula Vista Marina. The chances of our paths crossing in the future are getting higher and higher.

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