Shelter Island Photo Walk August 2018

Photo Walks

As Flapdoodle, Harry, and I are temporarily housed at the Koehler Kraft Boatyard I have some new photo opportunities as I walk about. This is a quick post to share some of the new scenery and some local factual information.

The Boatyard actually specializes in working on wooden boats. Consequently, there are a number of wooden boats in varying degrees of repair in their workshop and small marina [30 boats in all]. They have a Wooden Boat Festival here once a year. You might ask why “Flapdoodle,” who is not wooden, though she wears a lot of teak especially internally, is here for work. The  boatyard workmen also include people with expertise on all varieties of boats, and in this yard boat owners have permission to work on their boat alongside the boatyard workers and may work after hours and on weekends too. This is not always the case in other boatyards. If you know Harry , you would understand that this last condition was very important to Harry.

From Shelter Island, the city of San Diego can be spied, along with the busy traffic of many boats from large Navy ships, to whale watching ferries, to small fishing dinghies . Also there are many boats docked in marinas and some boats moored along the shore line. Off shelter Island there is a section called “America’s Cup Harbor.”

By night the island lights up and many people are milling about enjoying the live music from Humphrey’s Stage, picnicking by the ocean around fire pits, or fishing off the wharf.

The Port of San Diego has encouraged the creation of artistic installations to enhance the environment. Some are already showcased above. Here are a few more. A friendship bell form Japan and a Tunaman’s Memorial  to honor the people who have worked as founders and pioneers or who were lost at sea. They “built industry and departed the harbor in the sun and did not return.” [Anthony Mascarenhas]

The normal bird-life abounds. I have particularly enjoyed capturing the blue herons and seagulls hanging out.

Of course there are always flowers to be found. The hibiscus and canna lilies bring back memories of gardens down under near our family beach house. Below is a virtual bouquet of some of my Shelter Island finds.

Meanwhile back at the Boatyard life goes on. No Worries, No Hurries.

Some might agree with Kenneth Grahame –

There is nothing, absolutely nothing, half so much worth doing as simply messing around in boats. [Kenneth Grahame]


  1. Leslee Higginbottom

    Love following your adventure and all the beautiful pictures.

    • Hope you are enjoying life and having adventures of your own.

  2. it appears you are seizing the journey via the boat yard and surrounding areas. enjoy and see ya “when”! love, a

    • Thanks Arlene. We are going to be back sometime??? It is certainly not going to be the beginning of the week. The newly machined propeller shaft has still not been delivered, and the boat has 6 holes that require 6 through hulls to be fitted, and then the bottom paint has to be touched up around the through hulls, then it needs to all dry. Indeed a waiting game.

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