
Leticia's Wonderings, Photo Walks

What would you do when faced with a mountain of jobs that need doing?

I often choose to go for a walk and be at one with nature. This helps me be in the moment. I draw the energy from the beauty around myself and re-boot, in order to ready myself to face climbing that mountain one step at a time.

I sometimes feel guilty for doing so, and label this time spent as “procrastinating.” In recent times I strive to remind myself that these “procrastinations” are in actual fact food for my soul. I need these special moments in order to achieve balance in my life. On this occasion it was in fact my wise daughter Jaimee who reminded me that there is -“nothing wrong with a little bit of healthy procrastination.” It is always important to remain open to wisdom gathered by both those older and younger than us.

Yesterday I needed a boost. I drew energy from the beautiful day that awaited me. As the sun rose it lit up the houses on Shelter Island, reflecting bright sunlight on all the window pains. It was obvious at this point it was going to be warmer in the outside world, than below the deck of Flapdoodle.

While walking the golden sun-rays warmed my body and my soul. I hummed “You are my Sunshine” and “Good Morning Starshine”.

I thought about how, like all living things, I needed sunshine in my life ; but it needed to be the correct dose. An insufficient amount, or an over abundance could cause issues. Sun, wind, water, and fire all have important roles; and on the flip side are all capable of destruction. It is when imbalance creeps in that the consequences can be far reaching. [My mind was thinking of the current devastating fires presently being experienced in Australia.]

“I thank you God for this most amazing day, for the leaping greenly spirits of trees, and for the blue dream of sky and for everything which is natural, which is infinite, which is yes.” – E. E. Cummings

I send out into the universe a wish for your days to hold sunshine moments and for there to be balance. I encourage you to take the time to procrastinate.

POST NOTE The next day I arose with the expectation that the sunshine would once again help to revive my soul. As I journeyed out I was disappointed and commented to a fellow Yogi that today was not as beautiful as yesterday. I was quickly corrected, and my thoughts took a different direction along a path of realizing that everyday held beauty. The day did not have to bestow sunshine to be beautiful. And thus I walked with acceptance of this day and discovered a different beauty. Today I was the sunshine beaming a smiling face at those I passed on my way.


  1. Stephanie

    Words of wisdom my friend! And I needed to hear them today. Thank you for sharing.

    • You are most welcome.In the sharing I am also helping myself remember the important things in life.

  2. Mary Lowien

    Thank you Leticia. I agree if we look there is a positive in every moment of every day. You just need to be present and open to it. Love to you and Harry xoxo Mary

    • I have learnt a lot about looking at the bright side of life from being a part of your family. I continue on my quest to be present and open to it. Love to you and Kerry.oxox

  3. arlene cheng

    Your friend Mary, used the magic word: “Present”. love, a

    • It is a rewarding goal when one reaches being “Present.”

  4. Carole McAlpine

    Beautiful words and food for thought Leticia. A little bit of “me” time is always good for the soul and when our soul is right with God then we are okay. Keep on walking and keep on smiling and taking lovely photos! 😘

    • Thank you Carole for taking the time to be with me on this walk.

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