Our Home of Isolation


Ensenada Cruiseport Village [ECV] Marina is where we find ourselves as the whole world moves to protect as many as possible from the pandemic, as the Corona Virus continues to spread and force people into voluntary and mandated isolation.

At this time of worldwide pandemic there is so much we have to be grateful for. It does not pay to ponder too much, at present, on what “could have, should have, would have” been had we decided to embark on our adventure at a different time in world history. It is easy to think of all the things we cannot do at present. Instead I wish to share with you what we do have in our lives, in isolation, in the Ensenada Cruiseport Village Marina.

Flapdoodle is docked at slip D-08. The marina has 178 slips in all.

The boats on either side of us show there is a variance in the standard of repair in which boats are kept.

Some boats will never leave. This boat burnt to the water in place and is left to slowly disintegrate.

The staff are very polite and friendly. Most of them speak English a lot  better than we speak Spanish. We can contact the office staff by email or phone during their currently reduced work hours. The cleaning lady works hard 6 days a week and leaves the restroom, bathroom and laundry facilities spotlessly clean. There are a lot of permanent live aboards spread throughout the marina. Everyone is respectfully social/ physical distancing, but will cheerfully smile and have brief conversations from afar.

The facility is generally well maintained with some landscaping. I am trying to think of different ways to capture the flowers as at present our walking path mostly is within the confines of the marina facility.

This marina is the home of several pilot boats. At times we see them come and go. A favorite pastime is tracking them on our radar and checking their status on the AIS system. There are often men working to maintain them. We see them depart the harbor to deliver pilots to the ships entering the bay, in order to bring in the big container ships safely to port.

E.C.V. is also the home of a dive boat.

We have the usual sea based wildlife to amuse us including some sea lions, cranes, seagulls, cormorants, ducks, pigeons and if you use your detective eyes even some small crabs and periwinkles.

The marina is enclosed with a fence topped with spiraling barbed wire. This could give one the sense of being captured and contained in a jail or compound; but I prefer to dwell on it as keeping us safe and secure.

There are security guards. We pass a security guard kiosk each time we exit and enter. We are now known and just greet and wave as we pass by.

The skies provide a backdrop of ever-changing clouds and colors creating a beautiful, serene, isolation unit.

And so the confinement continues. From within it is hard to imagine the woes of the world outside. I hope that you all feel safe in your isolation and that you can find some glimpses of peace.


  1. Lovaun Stuhlman

    Thank you for sharing. I look forward to hearing about your journey and love your positive messages and outlook on life. You are truly inspirational.
    Please stay safe and healthy,

    • I do my best to connect the world with positive energy. I am glad you were touched by my post. It all is good therapy to help me too stay balanced and positive. Like a reminder to myself.

  2. Hi, Harry and Leticia,
    You sound very positive. I hope Harry is enjoying the life of Reily.
    We’re good. Both working full time. Peter starts at Northrup Gruman next week. I am working from home and visiting the job site each day.
    So good to hear from you.
    Susan Gierga

    • Good to hear you are keeping busy and earning money. I hope Pete enjoys the job change. In an ideal world Harry would still be working. Our timing has not been perfect but we can only go forward from now.

  3. Tess Carrad

    Hi, thanks for sharing your wonderful (?) adventure. Probably not a bad place to be socially distancing! I had a look on Google earth and can zoom right in to see where you are and all the boats. It looks like there are some interesting museums and stuff but I guess they are not open. Thinking of you xx

    • There is a lot of potential for things to do right at our doorstep but they are all sitting in wait for when we are able to safely get out and about again. For now our adventures are very confined but we just have to accept that for it is certainly out of our control. Sending love your way too.

  4. It looks beautiful at the marina. I love your images of the sky – it gives the impression that the world is limitless.

    • Thank you for your thoughtful comment Jai. I so enjoy getting your praise. xo

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