On The Move

Ensenada, Leticia's Wonderings, Photo Walks

DATE: Thursday, January 28th, 2021.

TIME: 60 minutes elapsed while capturing sunset

LOCATION: Cruiseport Marina, Ensenada, Mexico.

Harry and I have been viewing a number of sailing blogs which often feature some time lapse photography. The video clips are very effective at capturing the mood changes over a period of time. This is something we are aspiring to do someday; but for now I am presenting my recent afternoon walk in a time lapse manor using a number of my still photographs, a slide show. It differs from a regular time lapse, as the photos were taken from a number of different vantage points, as I moved around the marina. I am calling upon you to use your imaginations to fill in the screen shots that occurred between scenes.

And so I present


The sky is alive and has a story to tell,

It dares you to be open and share its many facets.

Like the skies above, we are forever evolving, everchanging …

Never standing still.

Congregating, then dispersing –

Sometimes slowly drifting, gently floating,

Sometimes rushing quickly, hastily accelerating.

Clouds – teased out light whisks,

Or heavy clumped conglomerates.

Stretching from the horizon …

Extending forever into apparent infinity.

Emotions building to a crescendo.

Many colors dancing the sky’s choreography.

At the closing we sense life rushing,

Waiting for no one.

The sky revealing all,

Exposing itself to our minds eye.

“If we pay attention, nature has the profound power to awaken the place of beauty within us. We have the capability to recognize the beauty and mystery of nature because that beauty and mystery are at the heart of our being. It is in all the life around us – it is us.” – Lara Bethmann

May we all experience inherent BEAUTY!

May we ride alongside the clouds of life,

Never dismissing them,

Instead seeing beauty

in every minute,

of every hour,

of every day.


  1. Lovaun Stuhlman

    I always enjoy reading your blog. Your words are very inspiring.
    Glad you and Harry are well.
    Hugs, Lovaun

    • Thank you. I am glad you found the post inspiring. Thank you for supporting me with your kind words.

  2. These photos are really beautiful! It is amazing how many different colors you have captured in the sky.

    • Colors, colors everywhere and all in just one hour. Dusk can indeed be a magical time. Glad I was able to share the beauty with others.

  3. Simply stunning! And the narration with it most thought provoking. Thank you so much for all the effort you put in to produce this beautiful piece of work, I felt quite humbled to view it through the eye of your lens.
    A couple of the photos moved me to want to draw from them, do I have your consent to use them for a coloured pencil art work Leticia? If so I would always give credit to your original work. Love to you and Harry, stay safe and well. Xx

    • Thank you for voicing your appreciation and for recognizing the work involved with my blog. I sometimes wonder whether the time I spend gathering, compiling and polishing is worth it; but if I touch just one other soul that is a bonus; and in reality the process is meditative and cathartic for myself. It keeps my mind active.

      Yes you are welcome to use my photos as images to draw. It would be an honor to have you do so. When that happens I would love to see your completed work. I am at awe at the way you transform a page with colored pencils into a powerful work of art and beauty. You know how to capture the beauty of this world, as does Roger with his photography.

      May you and Roger be staying safe and healthy too.

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