Morning Fishing


This week we woke up to a bubbling, gurgling sound outside the hull of Flapdoodle. Was it a diver cleaning the growth off our boat bottom? No, it was too early and we hadn’t yet organised for that boat care in Ensenada. As it was time to rise and shine we pulled ourselves out of the companionway to discover Sophie from next door very curious about the dance before her, a sea lion fishing for its breakfast.

A school of fish were swimming between Flapdoodle and Galena, our slip neighbor. They seemed trapped and enclosed in perfect proximity for the sea lion to get its belly-full and for us to have a nature documentary unfolding before us in real time.

We stood mesmerized for a long time before I took a small time out to get our cameras. Between Harry and myself we captured the photos before you.

These snapshots only present a glimpse of the hunting dance performed for us. It provided us a nature meditation to launch into the day.


  1. That’s so cool. Glad you’re having great adventures, and we love reading about them.

  2. Lovaun Stuhlman

    Thank you for sharing….how wonderful to be so close. We get to share your journey!
    Be safe,

  3. Elizabeth and Jim Henry

    What a wonderful encounter! Love your blog and being able to share your experiences wherever you may be.
    Elizabeth and Jim

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