May Day Greying

The Boat

The month of May in San Diego is known as “May Grey.” The following scene will help paint a picture in your mind of the type of day that is characterized by this dismal nomenclature.

As I walk the marina docks I often find myself conversing with fellow live-a-boards about the effect the absence of the sun has on our emotional dispositions. We are overwhelmed with a feeling of being drawn back to our boats to curl up to sleep or read, rather than being inspired to venture into the great outdoors. [ DISCCLAIMER This is not the experience for Harry who works full time regardless of weather and returns each afternoon only to do work on the boat.] What a difference the sun makes! Some days it has not blessed us with it’s sunny face at all; other days it might peek through by late afternoon. When it chooses to join us it brings with it rays of energy , brightening our moods instantly. The skies change and beautiful scenes are displayed as the clouds clear.

Towards the end of May, we set sail once again and anchored out at Zunega shoals. We were surprised to discover that the whale we had spotted 5 weeks ago was still circulating in the same waters. We hoped it was not injured or lost, as normally the whales would keep moving along the coast.

The May grey day Harry and I woke up to on Memorial Day May 28th, presented me with time to reflect on my surroundings and to write the following.


Flag resting, remembering,
Reveille playing, Grey whale breathing,
Seals barking, Pelicans gliding,
Fog horn blaring, Wavelets breaking,
Clouds hovering, Halyards jangling,
Fishing boats motoring, Sailboats rocking,
Airplane jetting, Ship departing,
Tern diving, Gull squawking,
Captain tinkering, hoping, dreaming,
First mate wondering, relaxing, reflecting,
Flapdoodle ready, waiting…

Winds up, time to set sail!

It is the first time I have spent the whole month of May in San Diego. Fortunately I survived , with more empathy for those who live in much greyer weather than we ever experience at Chula Vista Marina.  Now I have the “June Gloom” to contend with. I guess I will have to provide the sun and energy with my face and spirit until, the sun decides to assist to rejuvenate me.

May we always be able to shine through regardless of what surrounds us.



  1. Jenny H

    It is interesting how the weather and especially the sun has on our physical and mental states. Love your photos. Love your words.

  2. Maybe you should come to visit me in Yuma, it is all sunshine and smiles here! haha

  3. Sandra Connors

    Loved your photos Leticia especially the one of the captain taking a snooze. Love Sandra

  4. Some of us revel in the May grey and June gloom–then hunker down and wait for summer to pass. We all have our own reactions and ways to cope with the weather. Loved your poem!

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