Los Turistas


We have been taking many walks from the marina in and around Ensenada. Often these are in order to get exercise, to get out of the confines of Flapdoodle, to run various errands, and explore the possibilities that are awaiting us in this township. We have found A.T.M.’s inside the safe havens of bank doors to obtain local currency. We have been to a money exchange to get American quarters for the laundry at the marina. We have been to Telcel to purchase a new phone and sim cards. We have been grocery shopping. But on Thursday we chose to be real “tourists”.

As we first depart the marina we walk straight into the tourist district. This region is the most expensive along the waterfront, and designed to snag the tourist dollars. With each street that you journey inland, away from this area, the prices of everything gets cheaper and more of the local people are going about their day to day business.

It was in the second street over, “Segunda Calle” also known as “gringo gulch”, that we decided to partake of some margaritas.  Who could visit Mexico without consuming some tequila? As we passed the many vendors in the street, they were all beckoning us to come and look at and buy their wares. Over and over we repeated, “No, Gracias!” Even though there was the cruiseship “Star Princess” docked in town, there were few tourists walking the streets.

I am afraid it is really hard for Harry and I to blend in. We have “los turistas” written all over us. We do not have the smooth brown complexion topped with jet black hair of the locals. And then there is my rather obvious sun hat.

So, in the center of gringo gulch we found ourselves in a bar. We got a great deal for a couple, at least that is what we were told. Two margaritas, with two accompanying tequila shots.

Harry demonstrated to me the “Lick, Sip, and Suck” method of drinking a shot of tequila.

Then we wandered across the road to Dick and Willy’s Daiquiri bar where we were once again the lone customers. We tasted a lineup of crushed frozen daiquiri delights – passion fruit, mango, lime, strawberry, and pina colada. Then we were served the lime margarita, our favorite, in a long elegant souvenir 28 oz plastic vessel with two long straws and two shots of tequila.

As we drank and swung on the swing bar stools, we enjoyed a game of Jenga with some rule modification. 

Olé!  $800 pesos later we finished, happy little “turistas” ready to walk back to the boat. By this stage we were confident we were living the dream and that we had given a contribution towards stimulating the local economy.


  1. Virginia Stanek

    Had to convert the 800 pesos to dollars. Rainy here in Tucson and most events and many businesses shut down. I am having a Corona for you…bottoms up!!

    • The conversion to US dollar indeed makes it all seem better. We have had rain here and it is slowing everything down; but that is made even slower by the shut down due to the Corona Virus. We will be doing all our celebrating at Flapdoodle for quite a while now it seems.

    • We had full stomachs before we arrived as we had just had lunch. They tried hard to get us to taste their fish tacos- “The best in town.” This will have to wait for another day. Well another month and even maybe another year. Ensenada is going into shut down mode.

  2. Carole McAlpine

    I’m amazed you could walk back to Flapdoodle after consuming those margaritas and frozen daiquiris!! One would put me on my ass, but I am a lightweight when it comes to booze!!😆. Looks like you are having fun but do stay safe, and keep washing your hands,

    • We are doing well. Thankfully we were in no hurry, so we had plenty of time to make our way back, even if it was not as direct as it could have been. It is all a huge learning curve. Everything is being complicated by the Corona Virus. We will be restricted now in what we can do in the area. Guess all those boat projects will get lots of attention. We are trying to keep our excursions to buying groceries and supplies for now. We are doing our best to keep all those germs at bay.

  3. Elizabeth and Jim Henry

    Good to see you and Harry enjoying your new environs and glad you got to do some exploring before the shutdown begins. Our favorite Italian restaurant is close to Cruiseport, but by now it may be closed. We loved being in Ensanada and know you will too. Please take care and stay healthy!

    • Ensenada is now well on the slide to shutting down. I am glad we got to get out and about when we first got here because now we are occupied learning how to play the game of social distancing. I am looking forward to trying some of the restaurants when things are getting back to normal. At the moment,sitting in the beautiful sun, it is hard to think the world is in such chaos.

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