Lessons from a Bird

Ensenada, Leticia's Wonderings

There are so many lessons to be learnt by watching the behaviors of animals in their natural environment. Here are a few thoughts I gathered today as a gift for a family member. The gift though is one I wish to share with all.

I am sending wishes to all my friends and family, hoping that you are all able to stay happy and healthy.


  1. Lovaun Stuhlman

    That was a beautiful reminder.
    Stay safe and healthy!

  2. Rick Robershaw

    Excellent observations. I love sitting in the wilderness quietly and seeing what’s going on

  3. Ann Brewstet

    I really enjoyed this! Thanks for sharing. Hope all is well with you both 🤗!

  4. Christi Driggs

    Beautiful photos…..perfect. Good advice, too!

  5. Susan Johnson

    Beautifully done!!! You are amazing… Thank you for a great start to today… We miss you here and hope all’s well.. s

  6. I ❤️ You Tish ❤️ I love your beautiful pictures and words

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