In the Windows of My Mind

Leticia's Wonderings, Photo Walks

I frequently ask Harry – “What are you thinking?” Inevitably Harry is trying to solve a problem , in recent times usually about the boat. If you were to “pay a penny” for my thoughts, the thought processes are very different. Naturally this would be the expectation. Harry and I certainly didn’t come out of the same “pea pod” or drop from the same “apple tree.” Today I take you on another virtual walk with me, and a glimpse into my thoughts as I wandered Shelter Island.

It commenced as a foggy kind of morning, a slow moving kind of day. Despite there being no invitation to get going, I ventured out for a walk knowing I needed to exercise and warm up my body.

As I walked I new today was a good day to be alone as it enabled me to be at one with nature. The day awakened into a bright clear day.

As I was immersed into the zone of my therapeutic walk, images presented themselves before me and wonderings entered the windows of my mind.

Joy was announced to the world from the bright orange, flowery trumpets.

The hibiscus laughed as the sun tickled it and filtered through the curled petal edges.

The flowering succulents were showcasing the “tussled” look. Their bad hair day, wind swept petals left a lasting impression.

As the water evaporated from these rocks circular rings of moisture remained decorating their surface, only simple lines were required to adorn and enhance the rock’s natural beauty.

I was uplifted by nature’s glory before me.

“In every walk in nature one receives far more than he seeks.” -John Muir

Thank you for taking the time to peek at some of the windows of my mind.

NEWS RELEASE Sadly, when I returned to the boat to make this blog post I somehow managed to delete most of the photos from previous blogs. I will need to spend many hours to restore my blog site to it’s former beauty. I apologize for this. The good news is that all the words are still there, along with a few of my recent posts; and I have the photos at my access, they just don’t appear on most of the blogs anymore. It is very fortunate I had had a good morning. It was a high before the fall. I have to admit that I am having trouble letting the emotions of this mistake pass on, but I will bounce back. If computer glitches are the worst I have to suffer then I am very fortunate.

“Be happy not because everything is good, but because you see the good side of everything.” Unknown.


    • It is always a pleasure to walk with you my friend, if only virtually.

  1. Elizabeth Henry

    I’m looking back through your blog this morning (20 March 2020) and want to thank you for all the work you did setting up your blog to document and share your journey. Today I need something to encourage me to take a nice long walk and calm my fears related to this coronovirus. So I will be thinking about this part of your journey as I take my small walking journey around the Southbay parks this morning. Thank you again!

    • Walking, and taking in the beauty of our natural world is indeed a great way to refocus our thoughts. I am scared of all that could be; but have to remind myself that in the moment I am safe and doing well. I am trying not to let my imagination run wild. Take care.

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