Good News, Bad News! [Ugly News?]

The Boat

There are ever-present the positive and negative forces of life ,which we teeter totter between, as we continue to battle our to do lists towards the goal of – “setting free the bow lines, and sailing away from the safe harbor to dream, explore, and discover.”  The following good news /bad news conversation illustrates the ongoing pull of events that consume our boating life.

GOOD NEWS Harry has a three day weekend . He works nine days out of a possible ten. Two long twelve hour days on Mondays give him one Friday off every two week period. There will be ample time to complete the arch beam Mark 2.

BAD NEWS Strong wind and rain is forcast for the weekend. The arch beam is outdoors. The hot water system is leaking water into the bilge.

GOOD NEWS The bilge pump works and removes the water.

BAD NEWS The hot water system needs to be replaced. In order to do so the old unit needs to be removed. It is full of hot water and is heavy. Work is halted on the arch beam.

GOOD NEWS After the water cooled down Harry managed to remove the hot water system from its home without harming himself or the boat.

BAD NEWS It is hard to find a replacement system that is an improvement on the old one [with a mixing valve to moderate extreme hot temperatures of the system] that actually fits in the same spot.

GOOD NEWS Leticia uses her skills at measuring and constructing to build a model of  the ideal replacement system.

BAD NEWS The ideal replacement hot water system will not fit unless major de-construction of galley sink surrounds occurs.

GOOD NEWS There are other models for sale and other places on the boat to position a unit.

BAD NEWS Putting the unit near  the starter batteries would involve having to relocate other systems sharing that space. Placing it under the bunk in the aft cabin would require running some cold water before the hot water emerges. Returning the unit to it’s original place limits us in choices of systems

GOOD NEWS After lengthy internet searching  purchase was made of a unit with  improved technology that could be placed in a couple of spots.

BAD NEWS The unit is being shipped from Defender on east coast. It may or may not be here by next weekend. As there is no running hot water if we need hot water it has to be heated in the microwave or on the stove as needed.  [Did I ever inform you that boating life is like “camping”? Actually Harry really dislikes me likening our live aboard life style to camping; so I will instead refer to it as “pioneering.”] This I see as a pioneering moment.

GOOD NEWS We do have running water because we replaced the pressure pump a couple of weekends ago. We do have access to hot showers because we live in a marina. We got some work completed on the arch beam project. It took three days to finally attach two drogue chain plates that were needed to support the arch beam.

BAD NEWS We still seem to be adding things to our list at a greater rate than we are crossing them off

GOOD NEWS On the journey we are learning more about Flapdoodle it’s systems and about each other. We are developing skills and knowledge cognitively and emotionally. We will eventually have replaced every system on the boat. [Hopefully we will leave to cruise before starting on the cycle again, of replacing the equipment we have replaced.]

BAD NEWS It is expensive. It’s a drain on our bank balance and emotional stamina.

GOOD NEWS We are strong. Life could be a lot harder. We are thankful for our blessings. Life is good.

May you have the right amount of good news to counterbalance your bad news; and may the bad news not turn ugly. We are going to do our best to avoid the ugly.


  1. What a saga, my stomach is in knots. Love the photos at the end, guess everything works out and life goes on…..

    • Life does indeed go on. It is much better than the other choice. Hope you are keeping dry and warm in this “sunny California” weather.

  2. Sharing the + and – on this journey …. ⛵️… thank you for sharing the most direct and honest insight … of life!

    • And I am so glad I have you as friend and playmate at Chula Vista Marina and am thankful for all our activities that help lighten the load on the journey.

  3. Virginia Stanek

    Hi you two….it is raining this morning as I write this. Looks like it rained all night and will rain throughout the day according to the forecasts and the sky. All the water collecting containers around the houses are full. Spring flowers are starting to show up in the lower elevation areas around town. It is going to be a glorious flower season. Lots of adventures before you depart your California enclave! Love reading about it!!

    • It’s is lovely to hear from you Virginia! The rain has been very needed; but I am glad today to have a sunny day ahead of me. I do look forward to the flowers that will show their faces in Spring.

  4. Allen Randall

    Wonderful! Outlook/attitude is everything in life. It is so easy to focus only—or primarily—on the negative, overlooking the good. Your article is a beautiful illustration. You are wise and blessed to be able to see things this way! 👏

    • Thank you. I try to not get stuck in the negative mode. Writing about it is therapeutic and helps me realize the other side. Knowing and doing can be two different things.

  5. The journey is always interesting. I always like to find a positive when a negative happens. Mind you it can be so hard. Jeffrey and I had coffee with Jo and Rosemarie on Wed. It was great to see them. News is rather complex this end but aiming for a positive. 😀😀

    • Thinking of you both. Keep looking for those positives.Glad you were able to catch up with Jo and Rosemarie.

  6. Hi Leticia,
    Carrad suggested I come out and help. Unfortunately we are up to our ears in getting rid of stuff.
    I am leaving the US on 22nd March for Brisbane.
    Yes, my boat was also a very expensive toy, let Harry know I replaced every diaphragm pump and shaft lip seal over my short ownership. Don’t tell him about the new sail I bought!

    • I guess the difference here is that Harry’s toy is also our home and that makes it a little bit more interesting and challenging. Wishing you well with everything that goes with moving to another country and hoping it all falls into place for you both.Take care.

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