Full Bloom – Follow Your Dreams

Photo Walks

The gardens at  the Chula Vista RV Resort, which are adjacent to the Chula Vista Marina, always have a beautiful display of flowers. Recently, it was some of the ROSES that took my eye, and were the catalyst for some wonderings.

When roses emerge from their buds and progress into full bloom they really seem to outdo themselves, showing off all their glory to those who choose to look.

I thought of how we all have the potential to lead a life lived to it’s fullest; but often some of us can get caught up in the materialistic world, regret not living out our dreams, and miss out on blooming into the full potential of our maturity. With time, as the petals finally slowly float away, I hope that all my friends and loved ones may be at peace knowing they got a chance to show off their best, to accomplish much, and then to be able to rest easy knowing they made the most of their journey. May we always be following our dreams.


A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.
-John Barrymore, actor



  1. Wonderful springtime meditation. I am often haunted by the thought of my unfulfilled potential.

  2. Leticia

    We all were created with so much to offer and time is a fleeting.

  3. I would like to think that anyone can follow their dreams… sometimes we just have to change our dreams to our match what is possible.

  4. It’s so easy to get caught up in daily drama and put those dreams aside. Thanks for the gentle refocus and lovely photos!

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