Feeling the Presence of the Season

Leticia's Wonderings, The Boat

For those who are not aware or have not been officially informed, Flapdoodle is presently docked at Shelter Island in San Diego, for now.

Harry tying off the lines at our new slip in Koehler Kraft Boatyard.

Flapdoodle’s new home is Koehler Kraft Boatyard on Shelter Island, San Diego, California. It is the same boatyard we visited in August and September 2018 when we had the boat hauled, the hull re-painted with antifouling and a few other repairs completed; that could only occur while “beached on land”. Also known as “hauled onto the hard”. [ The blogs from the category “THE BOAT” August 20th and 27th, 2018, and two from September 5th, 2018 explain that adventure in detail.] This time we are docked in the small marina where we continue to live and work on Flapdoodle.

The boatyard crane provides a land mark to assist navigation to Koehler Kraft Boatyard. Across the bay is the Naval Base on Coronado Island and behind that the San Diego City Center.

Harry and I weighed up all the positives and negatives of moving closer to the mouth of the San Diego Harbor. The shorter commute to work for Harry, the shorter sail to the open ocean and the closeness of anything boat related you could want won out over my desire to stay rooted at Chula Vista with friends and fun activities. To be fair, there are friends to be made and fun activities to do wherever one roams. Now I am putting roots down at Shelter Island; but I am a little hesitant to dig too deeply, as it is not the plan to stay here for 5 years.

Presently we have been here for all of Summer, through June gloom, July fry, and August. We spent some of September Down Under and now that it is October and Fall, I am finally getting back to my blog.

When I take local walks I sense Halloween is in the air,

Thanksgiving is around the corner ,

and before you know it we will be celebrating Christmas. Harry and I untied the lines and headed for Koehler Kraft Boatyard at the end of May. We may have moved, but we are still in close enough proximity to turn up on occasion back at Chula Vista Marina and to hang out with the friends we made there over the last 5 years. The lines attached to friends there will never be cut, but they may have to stretch a long way once we leave USA waters. For now, we have time for a few more fun, shared times together. “There are Big Ships and Small Ships but the Best Ships of all are FriendShips.” [Borrowed from a Trader Joe’s gift card]


  1. Ann Brewster

    Always love reading your blog. Glad to hear you are doing well . Sounds like new adventures!!’

    • Yes, there is always something wonderful waiting around the corner. Thank you for reading my blog.

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