Dramatic Skies in Dramatic Times


Hello to you, this new day.

In between showers over the last few days I have been  focusing on capturing the dramatic skies. There have been some strong winds, but mostly we have experienced the song of the pitter pattering of light gentle rain. After each shower passes, the world seems to glow brilliantly announcing there is hope. 

“Lift up your fallen spirits for a new day soon will dawn.”- Ned Nicols

“Life is a mixture of sunshine and rain, teardrops and laughter, pleasure and pain. Just remember, there was never a cloud that the sun couldn’t shine through.” – Anonymous.

So I guess the message for the day is to be patient, be strong, stay safe, and be kind while we ride the high waves the storm of life is presenting us with. The storm will subside, there will be another dawn.


  1. your words and photos have lifted my spirits….keep them coming.
    as I have mentioned….your photograph and words …. I am working on adjectives!

  2. Dark clouds in San Diego and I love it. Nothing lulls me to sleep better than rain falling on the roof. Stay warm and dry and keep the beautiful photos coming!

    • Rainy days can be restful… but I am glad they get interspersed with sunny ones. A good balance. With gentle rain our boat doesn’t leak so presently we are keeping warm and dry.

  3. gorgeous photos and inspirational words, as always! thank you.
    be safe you two! big hug, paula

    • Sending big hugs back your way too Paula and hoping you are safe and keeping busy and sane in all these crazy times.

  4. Doug Stout

    Thank you for sharing such wonderful pictures, Leticia. It’s always exciting when a new update comes.

    • You are welcome. It gives me something to keep my mind off other things.

  5. Elizabeth

    I had just returned from a morning walk in the sun and the rain to find your new blog message and photos. As always, I found your images and words so engaging and comforting. Stay safe and hugs from us as well!
    E and J

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