Coming and Going- Gazania Wonderings

Photo Walks

One of my father’s favorite flowers is the Gazania. Here are some Gazania’s from my parent’s garden in Queensland, Australia.

Gazanias also grow in the Chula Vista Marina parking lot. This flower became the featured flower for my entered exhibit in the South Bayfront Artist’s, Spring Arts Festival in April. When I showed one of my friends my photos, she encouraged me to write their story. So here I share with you my “wonderings.”


A Gazania’s vibrant, glowing, sunstar face draws you in closer and closer. The bees are also bedazzled by their spell.

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When you “come” somewhere, what attracts you? Is it the color, size, shape, smell, or texture of the invitation; or maybe the feeling of being at ease, feeling peaceful, feeling re-energized,  feeling inspired, a feeling of belonging, or a feeling of being welcomed.

How do you know the correct or appropriate time to stay lingering, breathing, meditating, learning, exploring, working or analyzing the place you arrived at, before moving on?

When you “go”, what takes you away? What is the motivation or stimulus for that move? Could it be frustration, growth, following a career, following dreams, circumstance, good or bad luck, good management or bad planning.

The formula for coming and going for each of us differs according to many variables like – our age, personality, capabitiies, health, mobility, desire, partners, needs, interests, requirements, opportunity, or sacrifice.

At each day’s closure the gazania’s petals fold and wait to repeat their show the next day, restored ready to shine through another day, sustained by the sunlight…  to be greeted by more visitors coming and going.

We all come and go at our own pace, on our own timeline, dictated by unique variables.

Each of these comings and goings has a story – if the story is to be revealed, sometimes we just need to watch, inquire and listen. Have you seen someone “Coming and Going” lately?