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Everyone has a story. Each day of our lives is a short story composed of many smaller stories. When living aboard S/V Flapdoodle it is our hope to make our daily stories the best we can, making the most of every opportunity to smile, laugh, […]

PROGRESS is in the eye of the beholder

Life is never a journey that proceeds on a straight path. We move along doing a dance – two steps forward, 4 steps back, side step, swing and hold…. What seems like progress to some, may seem like misadventure, stagnation, being frozen, procrastination or regression […]

When I Walk Alone…

When I walk alone it doesn’t take long to realize that I am surrounded by friends. I am comforted by the wind breathing through the rustling trees and fluttering the waving, flower petals. The smiling faces of the flowers beam up at me. I sense  joy in […]