All posts filed under “The Boat

Feeling the Presence of the Season

For those who are not aware or have not been officially informed, Flapdoodle is presently docked at Shelter Island in San Diego, for now. Flapdoodle’s new home is Koehler Kraft Boatyard on Shelter Island, San Diego, California. It is the same boatyard we visited in August and […]

Vignettes from the Life and Times of Flapdoodle

[For the purpose of this blog my definition for a “vignette” is – “A series of photos, complimented with a short story, to give viewers/ readers the sense of the current life and times of the crew of Flapdoodle.”] Many document worthy events have passed […]

Boat Games

Along with the joy of owning a boat, comes a plethora of games. These games are designed to keep one on their toes and alert at all times. Some of these games are impossible to win … the odds always seem to be against you. […]

Good News, Bad News! [Ugly News?]

There are ever-present the positive and negative forces of life ,which we teeter totter between, as we continue to battle our to do lists towards the goal of – “setting free the bow lines, and sailing away from the safe harbor to dream, explore, and discover.”  The following good […]

The Waiting Game Continues

When I finished off the Hole Story Blog, Flapdoodle still had five holes that needed to be addressed and these holes were where the propeller shaft enters the boat and where the strut, that holds up the propeller, is attached to the hull. When our […]

The “Hole” Story

“There’s some holes in our boat, dear Leticia, dear Leticia. There’s some holes in our boat dear Leticia some holes” “Then fix them dear Harry, dear Harry dear Harry. Then fix them dear Harry so that Flapdoodle will float.” This is the “whole” story on […]

Where is Home? – A Tree House?

Depicted here is my home, or should I say Harry’s and my home since Flapdoodle took to the air and landed stranded in Koehler Kraft Boatyard. I decided after climbing the fully extended extension ladder to the top, that I temporarily had a “Tree House” as my home […]

The Endless Journey

Sometimes life seems like an endless journey. We wonder if we will ever see the “light”. It might be the light at the end of the tunnel, the light on the other side, or maybe even the light of enlightenment. Harry and I often debate […]

May Day Greying

May Day Greying

The month of May in San Diego is known as “May Grey.” The following scene will help paint a picture in your mind of the type of day that is characterized by this dismal nomenclature. As I walk the marina docks I often find myself […]

Brainwashed or Hypnotized?

Brainwashed or Hypnotized?

My mother often informs me that Harry has “brainwashed” me into believing the life of cruising is for us. She will also state that I must really be “in love” with him to have agreed to downsize, move aboard a sailing boat, live in a […]