All posts filed under “Photo Walks

A Prickly Encounter

As I stroll and photograph sometimes I find myself in precarious situations, as I can get so involved in capturing what I see unfolding before me that I am a danger to myself or others. On this particular occasion I was on a mission to […]

On The Move

DATE: Thursday, January 28th, 2021. TIME: 60 minutes elapsed while capturing sunset LOCATION: Cruiseport Marina, Ensenada, Mexico. Harry and I have been viewing a number of sailing blogs which often feature some time lapse photography. The video clips are very effective at capturing the mood […]

Wrapping Up 2020!

Wow! 2020 has been a memorable year, in particular because of the worldwide pandemic due to Covid-19. As the year closed there were events from the year I wanted to wrap up, never to be opened again. Others are worthy of remembering, and leaving open. […]


What would you do when faced with a mountain of jobs that need doing? I often choose to go for a walk and be at one with nature. This helps me be in the moment. I draw the energy from the beauty around myself and […]

It’s Decorating Time!

This year I discovered the perfect boat friendly decorations. As portrayed on the featured photo – a small tree, a quaint poinsettia, and a wooden sailboat ornament fit nicely in Flapdoodle’s salon. As I sit and listen to Christmas carols lyrically strummed on a harp, […]


The seed of inspiration for this blog was planted when I arrived at the doors of Trader Joe’s, ready to shop for my Thanksgiving weekend and beat the last minute shoppers; only to discover that there remained eight minutes until opening time. There were poinsettias […]

In the Windows of My Mind

I frequently ask Harry – “What are you thinking?” Inevitably Harry is trying to solve a problem , in recent times usually about the boat. If you were to “pay a penny” for my thoughts, the thought processes are very different. Naturally this would be […]

When I Walk Alone…

When I walk alone it doesn’t take long to realize that I am surrounded by friends. I am comforted by the wind breathing through the rustling trees and fluttering the waving, flower petals. The smiling faces of the flowers beam up at me. I sense  joy in […]

Belated Happy New Year!

They say better late than never. Here I am in the second month of the New Year and already my New Year’s resolution to post one new blog at least every month has been unsuccessful. Maybe I am operating with the Chinese New Year. Maybe I have been […]

Everyone Needs A Fairy Tree

Do you believe in fairies? Do you feel lucky when you have problems? This blog is dedicated to all my friends who are faced today with challenges that seem far greater than mine. Some I am aware of, others have not been shared. SPOILER ALERT: This […]

Shelter Island Photo Walk August 2018

As Flapdoodle, Harry, and I are temporarily housed at the Koehler Kraft Boatyard I have some new photo opportunities as I walk about. This is a quick post to share some of the new scenery and some local factual information. The Boatyard actually specializes in working […]

Full Bloom – Follow Your Dreams

The gardens at  the Chula Vista RV Resort, which are adjacent to the Chula Vista Marina, always have a beautiful display of flowers. Recently, it was some of the ROSES that took my eye, and were the catalyst for some wonderings. When roses emerge from their buds and progress into full bloom they […]