All posts filed under “Leticia’s Wonderings

In the Windows of My Mind

I frequently ask Harry – “What are you thinking?” Inevitably Harry is trying to solve a problem , in recent times usually about the boat. If you were to “pay a penny” for my thoughts, the thought processes are very different. Naturally this would be […]

Never Say Never!

One might think that it would be possible to tire of trying to capture the most wonderful, most colorful, most dramatic, most alluring sunrise or sunset. Subconsciously I say to myself, “Enough is enough! You can’t possibly need another colorful vista shot of the sunrise/sunset.” Well, this […]

Feeling the Presence of the Season

For those who are not aware or have not been officially informed, Flapdoodle is presently docked at Shelter Island in San Diego, for now. Flapdoodle’s new home is Koehler Kraft Boatyard on Shelter Island, San Diego, California. It is the same boatyard we visited in August and […]

When I Walk Alone…

When I walk alone it doesn’t take long to realize that I am surrounded by friends. I am comforted by the wind breathing through the rustling trees and fluttering the waving, flower petals. The smiling faces of the flowers beam up at me. I sense  joy in […]

All You Need is LOVE….

Growing up in Australia, Valentine’s Day wasn’t the commercially pushed holiday it is in America.  In the following years the commercialism has spread.  When we settled in America, a part of the culture shock was realizing that every holiday was pushed and celebrated to its utmost. Being a […]