Boat Exercise Part Two

The Boat

Workout #2 The Storage Shuffle.

A specially choreographed dance performed each time something, stored in the “endless pit” under the berth, is required.

This workout and “Workout #1 The Boat Engine Salutation” are just two examples of many workouts performed daily to keep Flapdoodle shipshape.

That negative thought of the past has been converted to a positive. We have no choice but to- BE FIT! The Captain and the First Mate will inevitably be ship shape too.



  1. Looks like the right one has the captains cap on. Haha.

    • Well it depends on who you are talking to. Sometimes though I am only too happy to hand over the helm to Captain Number One, also known as the First Mate when required. Being flexible and having some reversal of roles on occasion keeps life interesting.

  2. Elizabeth

    Daily life on a boat requires extreme flexibility in many ways. Does it keep you in shape for your yoga class? Or does yoga make it possible for you to assume those pretzel-like positions required to find 👓 or fix 🛠 nearly anything on a boat?
    Congratulations on your new blog!

    • I guess it is a question like the age old -“What came first, the chicken or the egg?”

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