Boat Exercise Part One

The Boat

One of the negative points I proposed against moving to live aboard full time on Flapdoodle was whether or not Harry and myself would be able to get plentiful exercise to keep fit. We are indeed living in a small space. I propose that this lack of space provides ample opportunity for exercise- moving and stretching. To provide evidence Harry has been posing [or rather I have been sneaking photographs] for an exclusive shoot for Flap Workouts.

Workout #1 The Boat Engine Salutation.

Lower down over the engine into “Table Top.”

Push buttocks upward to transition into “Downward Dog”.

Ease back into the “Chair” pose.

Stretch it out to the right.

Extend legs forward and lower chest onto legs.

Return to original position and start over.

Remember at all times to breathe and smile.

Repeat as many times as required to be at one with the engine; sending good energy out so that the engine starts whenever required.