Birds Eye View of Shelter Island

The Boat

In the weeks leading up to sailing Flapdoodle to Ensenada, some helium balloons floated near the mast and attached themselves. The crew were so busy that they didn’t attend to the situation straight away. Eventually the balloons escaped leaving the top of the mast wrapped in red ribbon. If the main sail were to be hoisted, the ribbon needed to be removed. So the captain prepared the climbing gear to scale the mast and remove the offending ribbon. In the process he glimpsed a bird’s eye view of the Koehler Kraft Marina and beyond, which had been home for 9 months. Leticia manned the winch to aid Harry’s climb and, up, up he went into the endless clear, blue sky.  

The captain and first mate donned headsets in order to communicate. This was good practice for the next sail.

Harry took in the sights of all the neighbors down below, all sea lovers who made us feel welcome to this little community. What a glorious way to remember them by.


  1. So you’re finally on your way! Congratulations, God speed and safe sailing to a happy harbor in Ensenada. We will miss you both.

    • Finally!!! We will miss all our San Diego based friends too.It is good-bye until we meet again.

      • Carole and Roger McAlpine

        Harry looks so happy! It’s good to read that you are finally living your dream! We will look forward to reading about your travels and keep you in our prayers for safe passage.

        • Harry really enjoys doing the mast climbing chores and cleaning the hull… in these places he is so at home and in his element. They are chores that give him satisfaction.

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