Belated Happy New Year!

Photo Walks

They say better late than never. Here I am in the second month of the New Year and already my New Year’s resolution to post one new blog at least every month has been unsuccessful. Maybe I am operating with the Chinese New Year. Maybe I have been waiting for the words to materialize in my brain. I certainly am not waiting for enough photos. I actually have written many blogs in the past months in my thinking center; alas none of them have been formalized into a blog. Consequently this is a short-ish blog to get me back into the swing of writing and to explore the new publishing format. The system has kindly automatically updated and I find myself having to explore all the possibilities and technicalities in this new sure to assist, and make my life better format.

My New Year wish is that I am enabled to work through my problems – the mountains I still have to climb – and that in doing so I remember to take time to look at the challenge from all angles before moving forward.  Consequently I should save time by first stopping and thinking about the issue at hand,  before jumping in.

The significance of this “thinking chair ” time has become evident as Harry and I continue to work away at the boat projects. It has been learnt the hard way by sometimes rushing in and then having to back track because something unexpected, that was missed in the initial planning stage, brings us to an abrupt halt and seemingly marching backwards. It can also be frustrating being held marking time for so long in that initial phase that you wonder if the project is ever going to get off the ground.

One also needs to be careful not to use the thinking time as an excuse to validate procrastination. There is indeed skill in judging accurately the correct amount of time required in one’s “thinking chair.” Of course I have not perfected that life balance. It will always be a work in progress.

In summary may this year be full of …

I chose the following images to illustrate the concept of studying ideas from all angles. These flowers I captured with my camera while walking the marina and pondering the New Year. The world around me provides a “thinking chair.”

The following photos show the “thinking chair” – Harry Style. There really does not have to be a physical chair , just a place where one ponders. [ Harry also does a lot of thinking while sleeping, eating, driving to work, and running. Actually I believe his cogs are working 24/7.]

May you be blessed with many opportunities to use your “thinking chair”.


  1. Great thoughts. Hope to see you both down here soon. It’s a great life and we love it.

    John and Elinore
    s/v Nakamal

    • You set an example for us . I look to you as mentors. Thank you. We will leave the harbor sometime in the future. Harry and I need to agree on a date , we are working on that.

  2. Glad to see you are back on the blog!
    If you post twice this month I think it makes up for missing last month!
    As always lovely pictures…. that must be where I get my thinking face from haha

  3. Jenny Humberdross

    Very interesting. Your words are certainly ones that I can relate too at the moment.

    • I like to think and know my words resonate with others. Good luck in your “thinking chair.”

  4. Jane Hilyard

    Glad you’re back to your blog.Your pictures are lovely as always.
    I will look forward to seeing your next one.

    • Thank you for your encouragement. I am going to hopefully start my next blog very soon.

  5. Lovaun Stuhlman

    Very inspiring. Good to see the two of you.

  6. Graeme Carrad

    Can’t wait to see that Gantt chart with all the interdependencies after your thinking chair sessions

    • Hmmmmm! The project manager in the family is not sure that the Gantt Charts are as useful as some would think. Sometimes have too many links to follow easily and then the challenge that some miss is putting it into action.

  7. Nicki Will

    I’m DELIGHTED to read your thoughts and see your pictures! A great way to start my day. I eagerly look forward to your next blog. Have a super day, my friend. Nicki

  8. Claudia Bist

    Oooh, it felt so good to wake up this morning in the desert and see your photos and join in your thoughts along with seeing Nikki’s and Lovaun’s names! I’m smiling.

    • It is indeed a little like a family re-union. I get warm and fuzzy feelings too knowing I have touched base with so many of my friends in so many places.

  9. Ann brewster

    Glad to see you guys are doing well. Jamie has been subbing so she fills me in. It’s so nice to have her back.

    • I am glad for Jaimee and you. I know she always enjoys her times at St. Marks.

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