A Prickly Encounter

Leticia's Wonderings, Photo Walks

As I stroll and photograph sometimes I find myself in precarious situations, as I can get so involved in capturing what I see unfolding before me that I am a danger to myself or others. On this particular occasion I was on a mission to capture some unfolding desert blooms. This is when I discovered this prickly pear.

As I closed in on the prickly monster I had a strong desire to get close for some macrophotography. I knelt down, twisted and turned and idled closer and closer. Without warning the pear pads “jumped”, jabbing into my left side, leaving sharp stinging stickers stuck in my shirt and trouser leg.

The mission was aborted so that I could remove the offending stickers and change clothes in order to make a second attempt at the task at hand.

I believe the pain and torturous task of removing all the stickers from my attire was a small price to pay for the images I gleaned on my return. This time I kept vigil, more aware of the proximity of the abundant stickers.

“The thing that’s hurting today will only hurt worse tomorrow if you don’t change something.” – Unknown

It is my hope that when you find yourself in a prickly situation you can forge on, endure the pain and reap some rewards for your perseverance.


  1. Jenny Humverdross

    What a beautiful series of photos despite the prickly start.

  2. Lovaun Stuhlman

    Ouch! I have had that happen. Great analogy. Hope you and Harry are well. Hugs, Lovaun

    • We are indeed. Hugs back to you. Leticia and Harry

  3. Oh my what an episode!! Glad it wasn’t any worse. The pictures are beautiful 😍

    • It had the potential to be a lot worse. Harry wished he had been there in order to capture the event on video. I don’t plan on doing a redo for him though. Overall it was something I was able to learn from and laugh about.

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