Monthly archives of “March 2020

Morning Fishing

This week we woke up to a bubbling, gurgling sound outside the hull of Flapdoodle. Was it a diver cleaning the growth off our boat bottom? No, it was too early and we hadn’t yet organised for that boat care in Ensenada. As it was […]

Los Turistas

We have been taking many walks from the marina in and around Ensenada. Often these are in order to get exercise, to get out of the confines of Flapdoodle, to run various errands, and explore the possibilities that are awaiting us in this township. We […]

Southern Migration

After many farewells, countdowns, some delays and false starts, and with the checklists growing arms and legs; we made the decision to leave American waters. Were we ready to migrate south to Ensenada? Had we accomplished everything that needed to be done? We had bought […]

Birds Eye View of Shelter Island

In the weeks leading up to sailing Flapdoodle to Ensenada, some helium balloons floated near the mast and attached themselves. The crew were so busy that they didn’t attend to the situation straight away. Eventually the balloons escaped leaving the top of the mast wrapped […]