Monthly archives of “February 2019

Good News, Bad News! [Ugly News?]

There are ever-present the positive and negative forces of life ,which we teeter totter between, as we continue to battle our to do lists towards the goal of – “setting free the bow lines, and sailing away from the safe harbor to dream, explore, and discover.”  The following good […]

All You Need is LOVE….

Growing up in Australia, Valentine’s Day wasn’t the commercially pushed holiday it is in America.  In the following years the commercialism has spread.  When we settled in America, a part of the culture shock was realizing that every holiday was pushed and celebrated to its utmost. Being a […]

Belated Happy New Year!

They say better late than never. Here I am in the second month of the New Year and already my New Year’s resolution to post one new blog at least every month has been unsuccessful. Maybe I am operating with the Chinese New Year. Maybe I have been […]