Monthly archives of “September 2018

My Cup Runneth Over

When you view the featured picture, what do you see? What metaphor for life could this represent for you? Do you see a bountiful, bubbling supply of love flowing out of a full cup, and enriching the lives of those downstream? When I am of a happy […]

Everyone Needs A Fairy Tree

Do you believe in fairies? Do you feel lucky when you have problems? This blog is dedicated to all my friends who are faced today with challenges that seem far greater than mine. Some I am aware of, others have not been shared. SPOILER ALERT: This […]

The Waiting Game Continues

When I finished off the Hole Story Blog, Flapdoodle still had five holes that needed to be addressed and these holes were where the propeller shaft enters the boat and where the strut, that holds up the propeller, is attached to the hull. When our […]

The “Hole” Story

“There’s some holes in our boat, dear Leticia, dear Leticia. There’s some holes in our boat dear Leticia some holes” “Then fix them dear Harry, dear Harry dear Harry. Then fix them dear Harry so that Flapdoodle will float.” This is the “whole” story on […]

Surf’n USA

In July Jaimee and Vee were vacationing at Mission Beach so they planned a family surfing experience. We were treated to a “fair dinkum” “true blue” Aussie from down under as our instructor. We applied sunscreen and suited up. The conditions were perfect for novice […]