Monthly archives of “August 2018

Where is Home? – A Tree House?

Depicted here is my home, or should I say Harry’s and my home since Flapdoodle took to the air and landed stranded in Koehler Kraft Boatyard. I decided after climbing the fully extended extension ladder to the top, that I temporarily had a “Tree House” as my home […]

Shelter Island Photo Walk August 2018

As Flapdoodle, Harry, and I are temporarily housed at the Koehler Kraft Boatyard I have some new photo opportunities as I walk about. This is a quick post to share some of the new scenery and some local factual information. The Boatyard actually specializes in working […]

The Endless Journey

Sometimes life seems like an endless journey. We wonder if we will ever see the “light”. It might be the light at the end of the tunnel, the light on the other side, or maybe even the light of enlightenment. Harry and I often debate […]