Monthly archives of “March 2018

The Ebb and Flow of Friendship

Each day I find my life touched in a beautiful way by a friend. Sometimes I have made friends who have rolled gently into my life and found a home in my heart, only to have them move on and sail away on the next […]

Snail’s Pace

You might wonder what a snail has to do with boats and the cruising life. Well, as it turns out there are lots of similarities. Today I came across a snail convention on my morning walk.   I was called to slow down and study the snails closely. Their […]


Yesterday was one of those few days when we had rainy weather in Chula Vista. The ever-changing clouds filled the sky and delivered moisture for the plants to drink. I took a little time to really look at the droplets of rain as they rested on […]

Poolside Kaleidoscope

As a Zen Artist I am using art to meditate upon the wonders of the world, through a variety of media including photography, rock art, mandalas, painting, drawing and doodling. The purpose is to bring joy to others by sharing and gifting the beauty that […]

Boat Exercise Part Two

Workout #2 The Storage Shuffle. A specially choreographed dance performed each time something, stored in the “endless pit” under the berth, is required. This workout and “Workout #1 The Boat Engine Salutation” are just two examples of many workouts performed daily to keep Flapdoodle shipshape. […]

Boat Exercise Part One

One of the negative points I proposed against moving to live aboard full time on Flapdoodle was whether or not Harry and myself would be able to get plentiful exercise to keep fit. We are indeed living in a small space. I propose that this […]

All Seasons of Life are Beautiful

As I walk around the Chula Vista Marina and RV Resort I see beauty in every stage of the flowers as they grow, bloom, and die. The various parts of each flower have their own dramatic story to tell as they twist and turn into […]

pink flower

Chula Vista Garden Photo Walk March 2018

One of my favorite things to do when walking around the Marina and RV Resort is to meditate upon the flowers in the gardens. I have expressed before that these are the best kinds of gardens to have. I don’t have to care for them […]

Harry naming boat

The Evolution of a Name- The Meaning of Flapdoodle

When we purchased our boat it was named “Kokomo.” Indeed a worthy name for any boat. There is many a water vessel bearing such a name. We proudly tote that at the time of registration there were no other boats by the name of “Flapdoodle”. […]